Welcome to the Irish Orchid Society

Talk: Orchids of the Neotropics

The Auditorium @ The National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Guatemalan Ecologist Challen Willemsen will take you on a botanical and geographical journey from the jungles of Mexico, through Central America to the mountains of Peru describing the orchids of each region and their habitat. About Challen Willemsen A Guatemalan ecologist passionate about botany, particularly neotropical orchids and epiphytes in general. A member of the […]

Workshop: Caring for orchids in the home

The Gallery @ The National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

A workshop on practical care for orchids in the home covering the following subjects: Optimum conditions required for orchid cultivation Identifying when your orchid is not doing so well. Common pests and diseases. Where is the best place to grow and how much watering, lighting, feeding does it need? Why won't my orchid flower? Presented […]

Workshop: Orchid Surgery – do you have a sick orchid or just want some advice?

The Gallery @ The National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Is your treasured orchid looking a bit sad, not growing well or you just need some advice? Bring it along to our orchid surgery where you can get some expert advice and help towards orchid success. This is open to members of the public, just pop along with your orchid, there is no charge but […]

Talk: Ireland’s Wild Orchids authored by Brendan Sayers

The Auditorium @ The National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

A talk on Ireland's beautiful and unique wild orchids authored by the republic's leading expert on her native species, Brendan Sayers. The talk will take place in the auditorium at the visitor centre and will be given by the Irish Orchid Society Chair. It is open to members of the public at no charge, donations […]