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The Irish Orchid Society is for all people interested in growing and expanding their knowledge of orchids, from near and far. To find out more and become a member, click here.
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Become a Member!
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- Monthly meetings at the Botanic Gardens where you will get expert advice on keeping your orchids alive and thriving!
- Talks & workshops throughout the year from experienced growers
- Our newsletter “Pollinia” delivered to your door
- Field trips to discover native Irish orchids…yes orchids grow in Ireland!
- Sale of special orchid composts
- Monthly raffles and more
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Wild Orchids in Ireland
Wondering what orchid is featured in the background?
This is a Hammarbya paludosa, commonly known as a bog orchid. It can be found in boglands near slow running streams. A small, inconspicuous orchid which can reach 15 cm in height but usually grows to between 4 and 8 cm. The flowers have a sweet, cucumber-like scent.
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Orchid Resources