Welcome to the Irish Orchid Society

David Morse

Hi Marie,
Cymbidiums, as you know, have declined in popularity over the past 25 years particularly the bulky standard types. Even McBean’s Nursery in the UK who have been internationally renowned Cymbidium breeders for decades, no longer offer a large selection. Most Cymbidiums are currently imported from Holland for the retail trade only because small personal orders are not economic considering the high shipping costs. I think Burnham’s at the Orchid Fair remains the best option for anyone. You can even contact them in advance of their visit to discuss your specific requirements and if available they will bring the plants over for you so saving the postage (I am presuming Burnham’s are continuing to grace us at the Orchid Fair this year?).
However I have seen some nice Cymbidiums for sale periodically at Johnstown Garden Centre and even Woodies especially before Bank Holiday Weekends at Christmas, St Patricks and Easter etc.