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    • #2905
      David Power

      Can anyone recommend a a method of keeping a small greenhouse humid so as to be suitable to growing orchids? My greenhouse is 8ft by 6ft and I need to increase the level of humidity before introducing my plants.
      There are a number of electric humidifiers available as per a Google search but I would prefer, first of all, to get a recommendation from someone who has direct experience of using a humidifier for this purpose.

      Thank you

      David Power

    • #2914
      David Morse

      Hiya David,
      I have no experience of using humidifiers but I successfully cultivate a variety of cool-growing orchids in an unheated greenhouse during the summer (May to Oct) then into the house for the winter. Genera grown include Masdevallia, Pleione, Laelia, Dracula, Coeologyne, Dendrochileum, Dendrobium and Pholidota. In summer the typical day greenhouse humidity ranges from 40-70% and at nights almost always 95%. Damping down during hot weather lifts the day humidity by about 10%. The orchids do fine over the winter in the house with humidity approximating 40-50% If you are heating your greenhouse then a humidifier might be useful but it goes without saying that air circulation must accompany high humidity otherwise fungal leaf spotting will appear. The YouTube channel “Micks Masdevallias” is run by an English gent who uses a humidifier (hydrofoggers) all year so you might be able squint and see the manufacturer! Sorry, I can’t be more help and I may be wrong but I can’t think of anyone in the society who has discussed humidifiers.
      Can anyone reading this provide David with a recommendation?

    • #2915
      David Power

      Thanks Shane,

      I found your reply most informative and useful. I appreciate that you went to the trouble and time to assist with my query.


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