Welcome to the Irish Orchid Society

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    • #2842
      David Morse

      Does anyone know if there’s anywhere you can buy native Irish origin orchids?
      Thanks in advance,

    • #2843
      David Morse

      Hi Anthony,
      Firstly, good for you for not resorting to stealing plants from the wild!(in any case it is very likely they would die after transplantation). Unfortunately to my knowledge there are no nurseries in Ireland that offer native orchids for sale not least because they are challenging to grow without careful attention to their cultivation needs. However several Irish Orchid Society members do grow hardy orchids including easier native genera especially Dactylorhiza and who may be able to provide splits. Anyhow Anthony do attend a future society meeting and enquire. Incidentally be aware that it is now very difficult to obtain any type of orchid from the UK as CITES regulations apply post-Brexit. You could however try the Belgian nursery http://www.phytesia-orchids.com for hardy orchid species. I would strongly advise not to purchase a lot of expensive plants until you gain experience.


    • #2844
      David Morse

      Thanks for replying Shane.
      Exactly there’s no reason to be stealing them. I thought so. I’ve had a look around and couldn’t find anywhere myself. I was thinking of collecting some seeds last year but getting them to germinate is too difficult with the time that I have anyway. Ye I’ll have to attend and ask around. I’m only after joining so still not really sure how it all works.
      I’ll give that site a look as well.
      Thanks again.

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